DISTRICT MINUTES September 9, 2021

DISTRICT MINUTES September 9, 2021


September 9, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 19:02 Hrs. 

Attending: D.Considine, Art Morrell, John Shipe, Steve Shuler, Ryan Wilsey, Secretary John McGinnis, W.Fletcher  Chief P.Kester,  L.Marchese, M.Arman

Absent: Treasurer H.Baumer

Public Comment: NTR

Calendar & Requests for Meeting Room:

-October 23, 2021 from 1pm-4pm for a baby shower event. Applicant Dave Bendschneider, sponsor Earl Bendschneider.  October 8, 2021 HFL Cheerleading Meeting, sponsored by S.Shuler.  A.Morrell made a motion to approve meeting room use for these two events, 2nd by S.Shuler.  Motion approved unanimously 5-0.

Correspondence: NTR

Board of Directors’ Report: 

The banquet will be held 1/29/2022, tentative sight is Westminster Banquet Hall. J.Shipe made a motion to approve this, 2nd by S.Shuler. Motion approved unanimously 5-0.

The Board of Directors is working on by-law change to extend the Chief’s term of office. Scheduled for presentation to membership at 9/13 monthly meeting.

Chief’s Report

YTD Calls: 235       Damage: 0   Injury:  0

-Tom Lyons is back from medical leave.

-PR#21-06 for the “Sense-O-Gold” meter presented for a cost of $1931.00.  Motion to approve purchase by A.Morrell, 2nd by S.Shuler.  Motion approved unanimously 5-0.


S.Shuler made a motion to approve August minutes, 2nd by J.Shipe.  Motion approved unanimously 5-0.

Treasurer’s Report: NTR

 Capital Projects/Special Projects:  

Commissioner Schuler reported that a digital sign will cost between $19K and $20K.  The board was 3-2 in favor of proceeding with this investigation.


-365 and the tanker will be getting new front tires, and 367 will be getting 4 new tires.

Building &  Grounds: 

PR#21-07 for an air leakage testing gauge for $700.00 presented.  J.Shipe made a motion to approve the purchase, 2nd by S.Shuler.  Motion approved unanimously 5-0.

-Dale’s Report: S.Shuler made a motion to approve Dale’s

Report, 2nd by R.Wilsey. Motion approved unanimously 5-0.

-Leadership:  Info on the LOSAP resolution and the timing of various postings to media will be decided in October.

-Recruitment and Retention: NTR


-Motion presented for payment of $5K to PJ Lang to move data to cloud, as described by Commissioner Wilsey. Motion to approve by A.Morrell, 2nd by S.Shuler.

    Old Business: NTR

 New Business

-Motion made by A.Morrell to appoint M. Arman as election chairman and to pay the chairman and appointed election inspectors $100.00 per 

person for working the election, 2nd by J.Shipe.  Motion approved 4-1, Commissioner Shuler voting no.

-The following hard copy items are attached to the District hard copy of the minutes:  

1) Dale’s Report

Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by A.Morrell, 2nd S.Shuler,

 motion approved unanimously 5-0, meeting adjourned at 20:20 hrs.

Respectfully Submitted,

John M. McGinnis


Mendon Fire District

*The intent of public comment time is to allow a non-commission member to comment on any topic. The commenter may not receive an answer to their question or a response to their comment, as the board may need to research a subject or confer with counsel on the topic prior to giving a response.  The time allotted for each person commenting is limited to three (3) minutes.