District minutes November 19 2019

District minutes November 19 2019


November 19, 2019

 The meeting was called to order at 19:00 Hrs. 

Attending: Dan Considine, Art Morrell, John Shipe, Steven Shuler, Ryan Wilsey, Secretary John McGinnis, Treasurer Heidi Baumer, Counsel William Fletcher, P.Kester, D.Ackerman, D. Friedlander, G.Francesco, L.Marchese

Public Comment:

-M.Slusser hand delivered Stephen Tschiderer’s election petition to Secretary McGinnis properly notarized (signatures collected by spouse) along with Power of Attorney held by spouse.

Calendar & Requests for Meeting Room

-11/23/2019, Mendon Storm Baseball Team for pie pick-up. 11am-3pm. R.Wilsey motion to approve, 2nd by S.Shuler. Motion approved unanimously 5-0.

-1/22/20 and 3/14/20: Weston Price Foundation Lectures. 6pm-9pm(1/22) and 9am-1pm(3/14). R.Wilsey motion to approve, 2nd by S.Shuler. Motion approved unanimously 5-0.

-1/25/2020, HFL High School National Honor Society, Early Evening (exact time TBD), Motion to approve R.Wilsey, 2nd by J.Shipe. Motion approved unanimously 5-0.



Board of Directors

-L.Marchese discussed members who are low on points heading into December. Three members are very low on points: Mike Shueler, Chris Schojan, and KP (Spelling uncertain). These matters are being addressed. 

-It appears that D.Brassie and E.Ansley will be going exempt.

Chief’s Report:

-YTD Calls:  261 Damage: 4 incidents   Injury:  0

-J.McGinnis cleared by personal physician to resume normal activities, will be scheduling department physical.

-The CAD system will probably be delayed until later in the year.

-The new radios, when installed, can work on a transition system.

-Mendon request for a second repeater was denied.

-The chief reported that the county was to program the new radios for no charge but it appears that they will be overloaded with work.  SkyWave can do the radio programming for a fee. The chief will get cost details from SkyWave for doing this work.

-The chief requested a committee be formed by the board to begin planning for Tanker replacement in 2022.


Motion to approve October minutes by S.Shuler, 2nd by D. Considine. Motion approved unanimously5-0.

Treasurer’s Report:

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report by R.Wilsey, 2nd by S.Shuler. Motion approved unanimously 5-0.

-The credit card issues appear to be resolved.

Committee reports

  Capital Projects/Special Projects

-Requests for bids on the staining project received only one response so a 

Second request will be sent out in March, 2020.


364’s windshield has been fixed (again).

-The chief’s vehicle repair is almost complete at Mendon Collision.

-The Tanker will be back in service very soon.

-There is an emission recall for 365.

  Building  Grounds:

-Nothing to report.

    Information and Technology

-Nothing to report.


-Dale’s Report: R.Wilsey made a motion to approve Dale’s report, 2nd  

             by D.Considine. Motion approved unanimously  5-0.

-J.Shipe will obtain quotes for a new washing machine.


-MFD Annual Survey results: there were 30 respondents which is a 

significant increase from past surveys.  The results will be tabulated 

and presented to the department.

-Chiefs’ Annual Reviews: there is some feedback coming in but not 

everyone received a survey so the information will be sent out 

again by D. Considine.

                 -Recruitment and Retention: 

                         -There is a definite need to define and follow a definite procedure 

for introducing prospective new members to the District and the

Department. This need was illustrated by the recent complaint of a 

prospective new member. This need will be addressed in upcoming

leadership workshops.

-LOSAP Program:  The district will be working on a planning 

timeline for defining, setting up and implementing this program.

Old Business: 

-Quotes have been received from Code2 on new uniforms but Dale needs

more information about uniform quality, should have this by next month.

 New Business:

-A.Morrell made a motion that the district cover the cost of getting uniforms

Cleaned, 2nd by S.Shuler.  Motion passed unanimously 5-0.

-All notices have been posted for the 2019 election. One election inspector 

Has been secured (E.Bendschneider), still in need of 2 more inspectors.  

J.McGinnis will work on this.


-The following hard copy items are attached to the District hard copy of the minutes: 

1)Dale’s Report

2)Treasurer’s Report

Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by R.Wilsey, 2nd by J.Shipe  Motion approved Unanimously 5-0, meeting adjourned at 20:40hrs.

Respectfully Submitted,

John M. McGinnis


Mendon Fire District

*The intent of public comment time is to allow a non-commission member to comment on any topic. The commenter may not receive an answer to their question or a response to their comment, as the board may need to research a subject or confer with counsel on the topic prior to giving a response.  The time allotted for each person commenting is limited to three (3) minutes.