June 10, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 19:00 Hrs. 

Attending: Art Morrell, Dan Considine, John Shipe, Steve Shuler, Secretary John McGinnis, Treasurer Heidi Baumer, William Fletcher, Counsel; Chief Peter Kester

Absent: Ryan Wilsey

Public Comment: NTR

Calendar & Requests for Meeting Room

-9/23/21; 6pm-9pm, Mendon Square Home Owners Assoc.  Sponsor: Tom Lyons.

-10/2/21; 3pm-12mn or later, Amanda Dean Applicant; sponsor L. Marchese. Parking for 50-70 cars subject to MFD parking rules and requirements.

-J.Shipe made a motion to approve both events, 2nd by A. Morrell; motion approved unanimously 4-0.

 Correspondence: NTR

Board of Directors’ Report: NTR (no member of the Board of Directors present).

Chief’s Report:

YTD Calls: 155      Damage: 0   Injury:  0

-Agenda for July meeting: examine rules pertaining to a duty crew.

-Chief submitted a purchase requisition for 4 sets of turnout gear from Divalt Co. for $13,677.08 on the state bid. Motion to approve by A.Morrell, 2nd by S.Shuler; motion approved 4-0.


S.Shuler made a motion to approve April minutes, 2nd by D.Considine.  Motion approved unanimously 4-0.

-Commissioner Morrell requested that meeting minutes be available within one week of the meeting date.

Treasurer’s Report:

-S.Shuler made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report,  2nd by A. Morrell.  Motion approved unanimously 4-0.

 Capital Projects/Special Projects:  

Commissioner Shuler is working on securing quotes for replacing the firehouse bay doors.


-Commissioner Morrel reported that A/C on 364 being worked on, 367 and 365 will be getting new tires and he has been investigating the purchase of a replacement for 367. 

Building &  Grounds: 

Commissioner Shipe reported that the generator shed project will be completed by next month (July).  Shipe is working on the gear dryer project.  The Board felt that Josh Landscaping should be contacted about the weed situation.

-Dale’s Report: D.Considine made a motion to approve Dale’s

Report, 2nd by S.Shuler. Motion approved unanimously 4-0.


-There was discussion about line officer (chief’s) term limits and the Board is in favor of seeing them changed however this became a moot point when discovered that term rules and regulations are part of the Fire Dept.’s By-Laws.

-Recruitment and Retention: -Discussed changes to the LOSAP points document brought up at the Leadership Meeting and the Board agreed with the revisions.


-Commissioner Wilsey could not attend this meeting.  His report was emailed to the Board, a copy of which is attached to the hard copy of these minutes. He also attached 3 invoices from Alpine Software for $240.00, $1,922.50, and $900.00 respectively.

Old Business:


 New Business

-The Florida Symposium is back on for 11/11-14/2021. There is interest from approved persons to attend.  S.Shuler will investigate.

-The following hard copy items are attached to the District hard copy of the minutes:  

1) Dale’s Report

2) Treasurer’s Report

3) Commissioner Wilsey’s Report

4) Copies of invoices from Alpine Software.

Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by A. Morrell, 2nd by S. Shuler,

 motion approved unanimously 4-0, meeting adjourned at 19:53 hrs.

Respectfully Submitted,

John M. McGinnis


Mendon Fire District

*The intent of public comment time is to allow a non-commission member to comment on any topic. The commenter may not receive an answer to their question or a response to their comment, as the board may need to research a subject or confer with counsel on the topic prior to giving a response.  The time allotted for each person commenting is limited to three (3) minutes.