District minutes July 11 2019

District minutes July 11 2019

July 11, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 19:00 Hrs.

Attending: Dan Considine, Art Morrell, Steven Shuler, John Shipe, Secretary John McGinnis, Treasurer Heidi Baumer, Counsel William Fletcher, P.Kester, J.Rosenshein

Absent: Ryan Wilsey

Public Comment:
-No public comment.

New Member Introduction:
-Warren (Chip) Knapp was introduced as a tentative new member of the Mendon Fire Department.

Correspondence: Nothing to report.

Calendar and Request for Meeting Room:
-Request from Marcus Orduna for meeting room and kitchen from 08:30-11:00 hrs. on 7/13/19. Motion to approve by J.Shipe, 2nd by D.Considine. Motion approved unanimously 4-0.

Board of Directors:
-The president reported that T-Shirts have been ordered.

Chiefs Report:
-YTD Calls: 168 Apparatus Damage: No Injuries: 0
-District Secretary J.McGinnis reported he will be going on medical leave from the Department effective immediately until approximately mid January 2020 per doctor’s order about unresolved cardiac issues.
-Motion by S.Shuler to spend $5,329.50 for 17 vehicle radio chargers at $313.50 each from Flower City; 2nd by D.Considine. Motion approved unanimously 4-0. Questions remain unanswered about the repeaters and dongles.

-Some members had not reviewed the minutes, approval postponed until August meeting.

Treasurer’s Report:
-J.Shipe made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, 2nd by S.Shuler. Motion approved unanimously 4-0.

Committee reports
-A.Morrell reported that 364’s windshield has been fixed (again). Quote
For Pump enclosure has been received from Churchville, waiting on a
Quote from Har-Rob.
-A.Morrell is securing a vendor to monitor vehicle tires.

Building Grounds:
-S.Shuler made a motion to approve Bella Paving to do parking lot
Sealing and striping, 2nd by J.Shipe. Motion approved unanimously 4-0.

Information and Technology
-Station Board trial period expires 8/1/2019, $1K/yr. to keep This
Feature. S.Shuler made a motion to retain this feature, 2nd by
D.Considine. Motion approved unanimously 4-0.
-Alpine CAD reports will cost $350/year. S.Shuler made a motion to
Retain this feature, 2nd by A.Morrell. Motion approved unanimously 4-0.

-Dales Report: S.Shuler made a motion to approve Dale’s report, 2nd by
D.Considine. Motion approved unanimously 4-0.
-Leadership & Personnel:
– There is a need to schedule another Rules and Regulations
Workshop to finish up pending matters. D,Considine will set a date
For this. It was suggested to be held after school starts.
-Health and Wellness:
-There was agreement for a second mental health/awareness
Training session. This will cost $1500.00. The Chief made a
Suggestion that this be held in December. S.Shuler made a motion
To approve the second session, 2nd by J.Shipe. Approved
Unanimously 4-0.
-D.Considine made a motion to continue Eke’s workout program
Including Saturday off-site sessions providing a drill sheet is
Completed for the Saturday sessions. 2nd by J.Shipe. Motion
Approved unanimously 4-0.

Capital Projects/Special Projects:

Old Business:
-Heart Start invoice issue still open because of manufacturer’s continued
Backorder. The Chief will work on securing quotes from new suppliers.
-A.Morrell asked that legal look into the Antique Truck Model contract.

New Business:
-Pending Carnival insurance claim: Hammeral has not heard anything to date.
Respective insurance carriers have been notified.
-D.Considine made a motion to approve spending up to $500.00 for purchase
Of a plaque in recognition for the work on the basement fitness area; 2nd
By A.Morrell. Motion approved unanimously 4-0.
-Chief Kester will work on bringing the Badges of past chief’s up-to-date in
The shadow box.
-Items to be forwarded to the District Administrator: (1)Purchase Request for
Vehicles chargers. (2)Bella Paving Quote.

-The following hard copy items are attached to the District hard copy of the minutes:
1)Dale’s Report
2)Purchase Request Tracking Report
3)Treasurer’s Report

Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by A.Morrell, 2nd by J.Shipe at 20:21 Hrs. Approved Unanimously 4-0, meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
John M. McGinnis
Mendon Fire District

*The intent of public comment time is to allow a non-commission member to comment on any topic. The commenter may not receive an answer to their question or a response to their comment, as the board may need to research a subject or confer with counsel on the topic prior to giving a response. The time allotted for each person commenting is limited to three (3) minutes.