DISTRICT MINUTES January 14, 2021

DISTRICT MINUTES January 14, 2021


January 14,2021

The meeting was called to order at 19:00 Hrs. 

Attending: Art Morrell, Dan Considine, John Shipe, Steve Shuler, Ryan Wilsey, Secretary John McGinnis, Treasurer Heidi Baumer, William Fletcher, Counsel, P.Kester, L.Marchese

Public Comment: NTR

Calendar & Requests for Meeting Room: NTR

 Correspondence: NTR

 Board of Directors:

-The President reported that the Board of Directors met last week.

-The vice president is compiling a list of members whose status is being changed to “social members”.

-The president mentioned the possibility of the department getting 2 new recruits.

Chief’s Report:

YTD Calls: 8      Damage: 0   Injury:  0

-Chief reported that live training is scheduled to begin week of January 18.

-Chief will see that the generator is returned.


S.Shuler made a motion to approve the December minutes, and the organizational meeting minutes, and the 12/30/30 special meeting minutes, 2nd by J.Shipe.  Motion approved unanimously 5-0.

Treasurer’s Report:

The annual audit is 1/27/2021.

-J.Shipe made a motion to appoint Dale Sweet as Deputy Treasurer, 2nd by S.Shuler. Motion approved unanimously 5-0.  A letter will need to be written announcing this appointment.

-Referencing the selection of a District insurance agency for 2021, Dale currently has one quote and is evaluating it.  D.Considine will set up a meeting with Mike 

White or someone at McNeil.

-R.Wilsey made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report, 2nd by S,Shuler.  Motion approved unanimously 5-0.

Committee reports

   Capital Projects/Special Projects:  

-J.Shipe is to get a quote for painting the meeting room, S,Shuler also has 2 

quotes plus quotes for new flooring in the chief’s office and the 

commissioners’ room.


-3C-26 and 3C-36 vehicles have been fixed.

Building  Grounds: 

-J.Shipe submitted a resolution to purchase the Electrolux (standard) washing 

machine, 2nd by S.Shuler. Approved unanimously 5-0.


-Dale’s Report: No report due to quarantine.

-Leadership: Leadership Meeting 1/21 at 18:30hrs. D.Considine will 

Send out agenda.

-Recruitment and Retention: A. Morrell made a motion to approve a 

contract w/ G&G Fitness for annual maintenance of fitness equipment

for $516.60 per year, 2nd by S.Shuler. Unanimously approved 5-0.

-LOSAP: D.Considine reported that funding a program via standard 

contribution is more common that using adjustable contributions, but

a program can be set up however we want it.  He has a set-up quote 

from Firefly for $3500.00.

Information Technology:

The Key Fob system is installed and operational.  There are still issues to be 

worked out with group classifications.

-R.Wilsey is working with Larry Kaplan to fix backup battery problems with 

Our electrical system.

-All phones have been replaced.

Old Business: NTR

 New Business

-J.Shipe reported that a contact tracing mechanism for persons entering the Mendon Fire Hall should be set-up as soon as possible. He suggested a method for doing this.

-The following hard copy items are attached to the District hard copy of the minutes:  

1)Treasurer’s Report

Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by J.Shipe, 2nd by R.Wilsey

 Motion approved unanimously 5-0, meeting adjourned at 20:17 hrs.

Respectfully Submitted,

John M. McGinnis


Mendon Fire District

*The intent of public comment time is to allow a non-commission member to comment on any topic. The commenter may not receive an answer to their question or a response to their comment, as the board may need to research a subject or confer with counsel on the topic prior to giving a response.  The time allotted for each person commenting is limited to three (3) minutes.