DISTRICT MINUTES January 09, 2020

DISTRICT MINUTES January 09, 2020

January 09, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 19:00 Hrs.

Attending: Dan Considine, Art Morrell, John Shipe, Steven Shuler, Ryan Wilsey, Secretary John McGinnis, Treasurer Heidi Baumer, Counsel William Fletcher, P.Kester, G.Francesco, L.Marchese

Public Comment: -None

Calendar & Requests for Meeting Room
-2/1/2020, S.Shuler, Ground Hog Day Event. Motion to approve by A.Morrell, 2nd by S.Shuler, motion approved unanimously 5-0.


Board of Directors:
-L.Marchese discussed various issues regarding Dept. By-Laws, District Rules and Regulations and where “policies” fit in these categories. Agreed that “policies” need review by the Board of Directors and the District. The ultimate goal is to have Rules and Regulations, By-Laws and supplemental policies on the website. The president will report back next month.

Chief’s Report:
-YTD Calls: 29 Damage: 0 incidents Injury: 0
-D.Kester is going out on medical leave.
-New radios will be going in for programming soon.
-Purchase Requisitions#20-01 and 20-02 for EMT class (Torrey and Knapp) and Hoarding Class for $105.00 and $410.54. Motion to approve requisitions by A.Morrell, 2nd by D.Considine; approved unanimously 5-0.

-Motion to approve December minutes by S.Shuler, 2nd by D. Considine. Motion approved unanimously5-0.

Treasurer’s Report:
-Motion to approve the treasurer’s report by S.Shuler, 2nd by D.Considine. Motion approved unanimously 5-0.
-Annual Audit scheduled for 1/30/2020.

Committee reports

Capital Projects/Special Projects
-There is a need to plan for several decorating/maintenance projects.

-Trucks have been serviced
-Discussion about monitoring the status of 367 and the Chief’s vehicles
for mileage, wear and tear, interchangeability etc. A.Morrell will look
into replacing the high mileage vehicle in 2021.
-Question arose about previous Tanker discussions, i.e. what are we
doing? R.Wilsey made a motion to form a tanker committee, 2nd by
S.Shuler. The committee will be chaired by A.Morrell. Motion approved
unanimously 5-0.

Building Grounds:
-J.Shipe and S.Shuler are working on generator issues; washer & dryer.

Information and Technology
-Goal to do firefighter interviews and put on social media.
-Will be purchasing new laptop for treasurer and misc. IT equipment
(on state bid).
-Some IT purchases are dependent on the new radios and equipment
being in service.

-Dale’s Report: R.Wilsey made a motion to approve Dale’s report, 2nd
by D.Considine. Motion approved unanimously 5-0.
-New programmable, locked thermostat to be installed in the truck bay.
-S.Shuler made a motion to rekey to locks on the commissioners’ room
and the records room, 2nd by D.Considine. Motion approved
unanimously 5-0.

-Leadership NTR

-Recruitment and Retention:
-Goal to get Saturday workout sessions back to MFD.
-D.Considine asked for additional workout equipment, motion to
obtain made by S.Shuler, 2nd by R.Wilsey, approved unanimously
5-0. (cost $1370.000.

Old Business:
-No response has been delivered to CG as of yet. S.Shuler will handle this.

New Business:
-S.Shuler made a motion to make Code 2 the approved uniform provider for a
three year period; 2nd by D.Considine, motion approved unanimously 5-0.
-IAFC membership approved for Chief, 5 commissioners, and district legal
counsel. Cost $1680.00. Motion to approve by S.Shuler, 2nd by J.Shipe;
approved unanimously 5-0.
-The annual District Insurance Review dinner will be at 6pm, 1/30/2020 at
Mendon 64.

-The following hard copy items are attached to the District hard copy of the minutes:
1)Dale’s Report
2)Treasurer’s Report

Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by R.Wilsey, 2nd by J.Shipe Motion approved Unanimously 5-0, meeting adjourned at 20:40hrs.

Respectfully Submitted,
John M. McGinnis
Mendon Fire District

*The intent of public comment time is to allow a non-commission member to comment on any topic. The commenter may not receive an answer to their question or a response to their comment, as the board may need to research a subject or confer with counsel on the topic prior to giving a response. The time allotted for each person commenting is limited to three (3) minutes.