April 8, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 19:02 Hrs. 

Attending: Art Morrell, Dan Considine, Steve Shuler, Ryan Wilsey, Secretary John McGinnis, Treasurer Heidi Baumer, William Fletcher, Counsel; D.Ackerman, D.Friedlander, L.Marchese.

Absent: J.Shipe (ill)

Public Comment: NTR

Calendar & Requests for Meeting Room: NTR

 Correspondence: NTR

Board of Directors’ Report:

-The President reported that points were reviewed and letters sent to members who are running a deficit in points.

-The president reported that it is time for scholarship applications.

Chief’s Report:

YTD Calls: 100      Damage: 0   Injury:  0

-D.Ackerman reported that the boot issue has been resolved.

-SCBA quote for $161,204.32 submitted. S.Shuler made a motion to approve this, 2nd by A.Morrell, motion approved unanimously 4-0.  A permissive referendum for this will be posted and published sometime during the week of April 19, 2021.

-A quote for EMS supplies was submitted for $1406.77.  S.Shuler made a motion to approve this, 2nd by A. Morrell, motion approved unanimously 4-0.

-A quote for speaker microphones was submitted for $4,875.00.  S.Shuler made a motion to approve this, 2nd by A.Morrell, motion approved unanimously 4-0.


R.Wilsey made a motion to approve the February minutes, 2nd by S.Shuler.  Motion approved unanimously 4-0.

Treasurer’s Report:

-S.Shuler made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report,  2nd by R.Wilsey.  Motion approved unanimously 4-0.

 Capital Projects/Special Projects:  

S.Shuler reported that quotes for carpeting and overhead doors should be 

Available by next month’s meeting.


-A.Morrell reported that 365 has a leak problem and the tanker has a seat belt issue.  Both problems should be fixed shortly (by next week).

Building  Grounds: 

Work on wiring ongoing.


-Dale’s Report: A.Morrell made a motion to approve Dale’s

Report, 2nd by S.Shuler. Motion approved unanimously 4-0.


-The next Leadership Meeting is 5/27/21, 6:30pm-8:30pm.

-Recruitment and Retention: -LOSAP work is proceeding.

-D.Considine will investigate medical physical providers and costs.

-D.Considine requested permission and made a motion to purchase an exercise bike for the fitness room, cost $1,399.00; motion 2nd by S.Shuler.  Motion approved unanimously 4-0.

Technology:  Nothing new to report.

Old Business:

-Insurance: D.Considine will schedule an update and review meeting with the new McNeil rep, the Chief, the Line, and interested commissioners.  This will take the place of the annual update dinner held in the past.

 New Business

-A draft copy of the letter from legal council to Village of Honeoye Falls officials was circulated to the Board.  The Board generally agreed with the letter but the Asst. Chiefs and the Board felt that the letter should be reviewed by Past Chief Tschiderer before being sent out.

-The following hard copy items are attached to the District hard copy of the minutes:  

1)Treasurer’s Report

2)Dale’s Report

3)Draft Letter to Village of Honeoye Falls

4)The Purchase requests approved at this meeting

Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by A.Morrell, 2nd by S.Shuler,

 motion approved unanimously 4-0, meeting adjourned at 20:50 hrs.

Respectfully Submitted,

John M. McGinnis


Mendon Fire District

*The intent of public comment time is to allow a non-commission member to comment on any topic. The commenter may not receive an answer to their question or a response to their comment, as the board may need to research a subject or confer with counsel on the topic prior to giving a response.  The time allotted for each person commenting is limited to three (3) minutes.