Board of Commissioner Meeting Minutes (Approved with correction) July 05, 2023  

Board of Commissioner Meeting Minutes (Approved with correction) July 05, 2023  

  ROLL CALL ( meeting called to order 19:01 hrs. on 07/05/2023 by R. Wilsey ) 

No Baumer, Heidi Treasurer 
Yes Considine, Dan Commissioner 
No Fletcher, William General Counsel 
Yes Friedlander, David MFD 1st Assistant Chief 
Yes Morrell, Art Commissioner 
Yes Sellman, Tom Secretary 
Yes Shipe, John Commissioner 
Yes Shuler, Steve Commissioner 
Yes Tschiderer, Steve MFD Chief 
Yes Wilsey, Ryan Commissioner (Chairman) 


Mike Arman MFD Member President – Board of Directors 
Greg Francesco MFD Member Captain / Training Officer 


None presented. 


 Web/Email Inquiry: Pro-active contact made to Jennifer Singer (with respect to last-months expressed interest in the Public Meeting Room for an event). She indicated that they selected an alternate venue. 


 Approval of June 8 District Meeting Minutes 

R. Wilsey motioned to approve the minutes from the June 8th District meeting with a second by D. Considine. The motion passed with unanimous consent: 5-0-0 


Sympathy notes sent to families of Ken Preston (AFDNYS) and Past Chief L. J. Sutherland (BBasin FD). 


Award to Explorers for Carnival Effort 

The Board reconsidered the general membership’s resolution for a $750/ Sr. Explorer award for Carnival efforts. The Board adopted an approach that was felt to be more fiscally prudent and equitable for the Explorers as a collective :: $2000 would be given to the Explorer Post as a whole, then their organization can be responsible for disbursement ( recognition trip/outing, gift cards, etc.). 

Department Post-Carnival Debrief 

Preliminary calculations regarding net proceeds (thought to be lower than last year’s) appear to actually be higher than last year. Final numbers are still a work in progress. 

The Department wanted to indicate to the district that given a successful carnival outcome, coupled with the sale of the Pond Road Property, it should communicate it’s wants/needs with respect to significant requisitions (equipment, etc.) such that the Department can consider how it might contribute. 

CHIEF’S REPORT (by Chief Tschiderer) 

CALLS (since 01/01/23) 141 
K. Morrell, D. Joint, E. Bendschneider, and T. Lyons on Non-LOSAP medical Leave. 
  • Call of Significance: July 4th Lehigh Valley Trail EMS Incident in Mutual Aid context with Honeoye Falls FD and Ambulance. We received positive feedback from Chief Trewer (HFFD) and Chief Sheidlower (HFMVA) for our operational assistance. Unfortunately it appears that the patient (of significant age seriously injured in biking accident with major spinal fractures and requiring CPR) is not expected to survive. 

• Chief advised that he has a scheduled meeting (07/10/2023) with several Fishers Fire District Commissioners to review/clarify some information/data with respect to items that have been referred to but who’s validity/accuracy may be in question. Chief also confirmed that the overnight EMS automatic coverage arrangement with Fishers FD is no longer in force. 

Task Force Representative Selection 

There was discussion regarding the deferred (from the May District meeting) task of selecting three names (one AHJ/District Board rep, one operational leader, and one representing the Department manpower) to serve on the task-force committee investigating consolidation and regionalization of fire services. The following volunteered for the three slots (respectively): D. Considine, Chief Tschiderer, M. Arman. It is anticipated that work-products/data of the task-force will be brought back to each of the participating AHJ for review – the current participants are Mendon, Fishers, Victor Fire Districts and the Honeoye Falls Village Fire Dept. It was noted that Rush and Bloomfield have declined to participate further in the regionalization-consolidation investigations. 

Line Officer Qualifications 

Chief raised the issue that the Line Officer Qualification had not passed acceptance in the June meeting with multiple board members absent and a request for more time to review the proposal. The advocacy of this comes from Chief’s observation that ‘As the organization evolves, standards will increase. To support the future, we should have officers build their educational backgrounds to ensure they are prepared and eligible for future leadership positions’. After vigorous discussion, A. Morrell motioned that the Line Officer Qualifications as submitted be accepted into the District Rules & Regulations. This was seconded by D. Considine and passed by majority consent: 4-1-0 with Commissioner Shuler dissenting. 

To assist in the evaluation of the officers on the line and to give the District a more formal oversight capacity, D. Considine made a motion that all line officers (not simply the three Chiefs) are subject to final approval by the District at the conclusion of the Departments nomination/election process that occurs at the Department’s Annual Meeting. The motion was seconded by R. Wilsey and passed with unanimous consent: 5-0-0 

Purchase Requests 

• Multiple Misc EMS closet supplies ( $ 183.38 ). 

• Online BLS instructor course for G. Francesco ( $73.00 ) Called out in District Administrator’s report. 

Upcoming Purchase Requests and Authority to Pursue 

• Verbal quote received for Viking exterior turn-out gear: seven sets for $ 10,800 plus shipping. Formal request for purchase will come after a fitment session scheduled for July 10. This would be significant savings vs. standard interior turnout that would cost in excess of $30K. Chief Tschiderer also noted however the cost differential between EMS style and structural boots is less than $100/pair. 

Upcoming Purchase Requests and Authority to Pursue (cont.) 

• July 5th hose-testing discovered 650 ft of three-inch hose failing. After discussion, Chief Tschiderer asked for approval to have the District Administrator shop for 1000 ft (enough for an engine) of three-inch hose. In the interim, usable 3-inch will be moved from Engine 364 and Tender 3617 to Engine 365 and to temporarily backfill Engine 364 dead-load with 2-1/2 inch hose. J. Shipe will speak with D. Sweet to pursue the new three-inch hose. 

Purchase Evaluations 

• Chief passed around one of the two Phoenix First Due Helmets (approved in May for acquisition) and reviewed the ongoing process for their trial. 

S. Shuler motioned to approve above two purchase requests with a second by A. Morrell. The motion passed by unanimous consent: 5-0-0 


See Appendix A for this meeting’s Vouchers. 

In Heidi’s absence, the Board discussed the money due (as outlined in the Penflex LOSAP report) that covers this year’s obligation as well as the 5-year prior-service buy-back. After discussion, S. Shuler motioned to pay $ 123,100.00 to cover the 2023 obligation and the prior-years service buy-back. This was seconded by A. Morrell and passed with unanimous consent: 5-0-0 

Secretary Sellman reviewed the previously distributed schedule for the 2024 District Budget process (as derived from the schedule stipulated by the Association of Fire Districts, NYS. See Appendix B for the schedule. To remain in compliance with the AFDNYS budget schedule, the District meeting for November needed to change. S. Shuler motioned to change the Mendon Fire District November meeting from Thurs. November 9th to Thursday Nov 2nd . This was seconded by R. Wilsey and passed with unanimous consent: 5-0-0 

R. Wilsey distributed copies (as left by Treasurer Baumer) of the yearly audit to Board members. 

R. Wilsey motioned to pay the bills with D. Considine seconding the motion. The motion passed with a majority: 4-0-1. A. Morrell abstained expressing concern in the handling of a previous purchase for station-boots by the District Administrator. 


Capital Projects / Special Projects / Buildings & Grounds (S. Shuler / J. Shipe absent

Parking-Lot Drains: S. Shuler to pursue Andy Caschetta for possible resolution. 

Driveway Sealing: Put off for now in consideration of possible sidewalk work. 

Landscaping & Grounds: All looking good at the present. 


Vehicle/Equip Issues/Problems/Plans 
364 No issue 
365 Exhaust work completed by the Town. 
367 No issue 
3617 See District Admin report. 
3618 No issue 
Haul Trailer No issues 
3c16 No issues 
3c26 No issues 

Art Morrell still working on plans for two new trucks ( of 367 – type ). The truck committee will be meeting soon (the hope is within the month). 

Personnel (reported by D. Considine) 

Background Checks

Dan indicated that he and Counsel Fletcher had not made any progress due to a more pressing personnel issue with the Department/District. There was more generalized discussion about implementation issues. Dan made a query regarding a contact list for department members with which to send out introductory awareness notification of the coming change in background-check process. Secretary Sellman indicated that there are email addresses for all current members – the same list of emails that’s the basis for the ‘[email protected]’ alias. Sellman indicated that he will send whatever ‘awareness’ explanatory note (with any attachments) once the content has been created by Dan. Dan indicated that it’s his intention to include content explaining to the member that they need to acknowledge with their agreement to comply. 

After discussion, D. Considine introduced a slightly more specific motion to approve the process of background checking all members (current and future) in the domain of arson and sexual registry/sexual predator. This is in contrast to the passed motion R. Wilsey made (in the May District meeting) providing the pathway for the District to cover the cost, and implement, a background-check program which would examine the areas of sexual offender and arson convictions. The new motion above was seconded by S. Shuler and passed unanimously: 5-0-0. 

Sellman indicated that the latest revision ( 2023.5.1 ) of the Department’s New Membership Application had already been updated to get the applicant’s permission (see Appendix C

Interior Qualification of Line Officer

D. Considine still awaiting a response from Asst. Chief Marchese with respect to the question of whether he is going back to get the interior qualification. Chief Tschiderer indicated that Asst. Chief Marchese is aware of this outstanding decision. 

District Administrator’s Report: See Appendix D for copy of the report. S. Shuler made a motion to approve D. Sweet’s report with a second from D. Considine. The motion passed unanimously: 5-0-0. Items of noted discussion: 

– Approval of Dale’s request for summer hours of: 07:30 to 15:30 

A. Morrell has a plan for repair of the ’32 Chevy’s gas tank. 

Information/Technology (from R. Wilsey) 

  • Chief Tschiderer made a request for a monitor to be place in the District Administrator’s office that mirror’s the live-feed of the security camera system – all in an effort to give Dale more situational awareness of what’s happening at any given moment (e.g. upon hearing any unanticipated door openings/ closings). There was consensus approval to spend a couple hundred dollars to implement. 


Status of District Handbook 

There was generalized discussion regarding the progress of a District Handbook. A. Morrell inquired whether everyone had reviewed the draft (a combination prepared [by Chief Tschiderer] of three CBA’s and an old Mendon handbook). The consensus agreement and plan forward (as posed by R. Wilsey) is that everyone needs to review the most recent draft by August 1st with a vote to accept taken at the August 10th District meeting. It was noted that this provides time enough to hold a workshop if folks have significant questions/issues with the draft that would result in more lengthy discussions ahead of a vote. 


At 20:20, R. Wilsey made a motion that the Board go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing a matter regarding the Fire Explorers. The motion was seconded by D. Considine and received unanimous approval: 5-0-0. 

At 21:27, the Board exited Executive Session and the regular meeting resumed. 


None brought forward. 


None brought forward. 


Motion to adjourn at 21:35 proposed by R. Wilsey and seconded by D. Considine with unanimous consent: 5-0-0 

Respectfully Submitted by 

Tom Sellman 

District Secretary, Mendon Fire District 


8/10/2023 – Commissioner Shuler pointed out that his vote was not accurately recorded for the decision to accept the Line Officer Qualifications. This is corrected above. Previous unanimous vote now reflects 4-1-0 with his dissenting vote. 




APPENDIX D (part 1 of 2) 

APPENDIX D (part 2 of 2)